Tuesday, January 12, 2010


11:42 can't sleep my eyes are burning but I am not tired just my eyes hurts alot. I try going to sleep but I can't I am thinking to much like always. I wish my brain could go on and off so I don't have think at night. You might wonder what I thinking of and the answer is everything. My mind wonder alot about everything from something big to something small. Sometime is go to think but when I think my head starts to hurt and then I can't sleep until I am tired and by the time I go sleep I have to get up so is sucks. 11:49 for those that don't know I am finally TAKEN!! I am very happy with my babe. I could talk and talk how happy I am and how finaly I meet someone that like me for who I am but I don't want to sound cocky lol but yeah I am very happy :) 12:00 am I have like maybe 6 hour left before I have to get up for school. I should be going to bed but I can't... At least my eyes aren't hurting that much.... I guess I should try to go to bed.

- Posted using Edjk iPhone