Thursday, January 14, 2010


7:53 am waiting for class to start soon. Aww I love my bff, I still don't know what I would do with out her. I saw my godson yesterday as well, he was crying like always when he see me but that is all on my bff for not bring him more often to the house. I might go see my babe today after class. I still haven't talk to my parents, I have to say this but i am still mad at them but what ever. 7:57 am I am listening to Dido while waiting for class to start. 8:55 am on break right now and listening to enya. 9:02 am waiting for my break to end... I wonder what we going to do today in class.... I guess I am going back to class I don't want to miss anything. 11:10 am class was alot of fun. We had to draw blindfolded and let me tell you I am not the best at it lol it looks like a one yr old baby draw it lol. So far so good. 11:30 am going hang out with my babe for a while. Even tho I am mad a my parents right now I am still thankful to have parents that care for me, a bff that I love so much, friends that will be there for me no matter what and a proffesor who became more then my teacher. So I am thankful to have people like this in my life. 5:20 pm going home already, had alot of fun today with my babe. 6:46 pm feeling so tires right now. I think I am just going to take a nap. 9:55 pm I think I will be going early to bed, just going to take a shower and then I am off to bed. So good night.

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