Sunday, January 17, 2010

In bed

10:10 am last night was alot of fun! Everybody was drinking and dancing lol good time. I think my babe wanted to talk last night but I was super tired. Some time I feel like I am doing something wrong, I know I am not doing anything wrong (I think) but it been a while since I been with someone so i really don't know how to act like a good bf. 12:48 pm I had another dream but I can't really remember what was it about. I just know it was bad dream since I did something bad. I think I was fighting with someone but I can't remember with who ?? Hmm.... 12:50 pm I am just laying in bed listening to music. I might hang out with my bff today not sure yet but I will see. 1:56 pm my cousin are here!! They came to visit before they go back home. They live in Arizona, so they here for a while before they go home. 2:56 pm is raining out side and I am just laying in bed. I don't think my bff is coming today. 7:55 pm my bff came after all, we went for a walk on this raining day. Hopefully I don't get sick, went for some coffee and to eat. We talk for a while about my babe and after that I took her home. It was nice just hanging out with her. 9:06 pm I might go to sleep early since the rain make me go to sleep and when it rain I fall to sleep like a baby.

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