Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My day

5:02 pm going home, I might sound like a nerd but I did miss going to school. It was great to see new poeple and old friends. Beside that I went to see my babe for a while, we felt to sleep on each other arms. It was really romantic walking up to someone. 9:27 pm I am going out with my babe and with some friends. We are having a cuple night lol it should be fun beside that I just had another fight with my parents. Is like stupid! My dad said I could go out and then my mom said no is like I don't get it. I can't go out anymore because they are talking shit to me. I went online today to look for a job. I am really hoping I get a job soon, I want to saving money so I could finally move out from my house. 3:05 am I am finaly home. Had great time with my babe and the friends. On way back we took the long way and talk for a while. I feel I am more closwer to my babe. 3:11 am I think i should be going to sleep so good night.