Sunday, January 24, 2010


It been a while since I wrote something.. Well not really it only been since Friday so is not that long since I wrote something. Friday night I had movie night with my babe. We had pizza and just stay home watching a movie. Saturday I woke up really happy it been days, weeks that I spend the night with my babe. Later that night we went out with some of the friends to a bar/cub… is funny how I told my self I wasn’t going to write that much about the stuff I do with my babe since I want to keep my life a little secret.. But cant help I enjoy my days with my babe… some time I wonder if this is all a dream that I am just having and can’t wake up… talking about dream I been having really weird dreams.. Grr.. Wish I had my dream book…. Also I started texting Beans, it was little weird at first but after a few text everything was normal. Some time I wish everything could go back how it was before that day.. But things happen for a reason I believe.. I feel like bike riding tomorrow morning but that is only if I wake up.