Thursday, May 28, 2009

"I guess that's what makes a friendship last, the memories, good ones, and bad ones." - David

And is true that’s what make a really good friendship. I know over about the past years I have been a really bad friend. All this time I been telling my self I been a good friend in which I am not. I been lying to my self all this time. I guess I shouldn’t be to hard on my self. People change, people make mistake no one is perfect. Is not that I am being a bad friend is just that I feel this way even since what happen last time. Even my closet guy friend told me what I did was really wrong and I guess I didn’t saw it that way. I saw it like I was doing something good but it wasn’t. all I could do now is try to make everything better even is not the same anymore at least I know I gave it my best.