Sunday, November 29, 2009

I don’t think I could do it anymore! I am so tired of this! I feel like I am no longer the same person I used to be. Ever since I meet you I have become a different person. You have change my life in so many ways that I don’t know where to began. I don’t know how many time I have to say sorry and what I did it wasn’t what you thought it was. I am so, so sorry for acting like that with you but I still don’t understand why I was like that with you to began with. I want to understand why I cant still forget about you, after all this time from all my friends I have lost you have been the first and only friend that I cant for get about. Is crazy how you have impact my life so much, even if we talk again it wont be the same as before I could tell and it will take a long time to trust me again.

I wonder why I don’t have the balls to just go up to you and tell you how I feel.