Monday, December 29, 2008

My internet didn’t work last night, so I couldn’t update. Anyways I went bike riding yesterday. I went all the way from my house to Long Beach. For some reason I just wanted to go out and take pictures, so I did. I even stop some people to let me take pictures of them, it felt good for some reason. Later that day I went to a coffee shop that a friend took me once last year. Then I went to my friend house in which I haven’t seen in years but he wasn’t there. His mom was there, so like always I went and talk to her until he came home. We went to his room and talk until I have to go home. It took the metro home because I was tire of riding my bike. I saw my friend Briana from my English class. I talk to her until I had to get out from the metro. So I got home with out internet so I couldn’t update.