Wednesday, April 18, 2012

“Don’t allow your wounds to transform you into someone you’re not.”

-Paulo Coelho

1,001 Things I Want In A Lover

Someone who would put me in their top 8.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

You keep trying to tell the truth about who you are but you keep changing, every time someone listens.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Stop thinking about what they're thinking about you.

The Broken Ice In Your Wake

I have a list in my head of all the feelings I still want to feel before I die. And you have ticked so many things off that list.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Things I Meant

A heart was meant to beat. And air was meant to be breathed, close to your ear. And your skin was meant to remember what mine felt like. And some songs were meant to play on repeat. And the sun was meant to come down. And we were meant to ignore it when it woke up. And days were meant to pass. And nights were meant to follow. And your eyes were meant to cry out whatever pain was left.

And I never meant to hurt you.

But I guess that's what everyone says.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Light From Frozen Graves

"But I just want to stop feeling."

"As far as I can tell, there's only one way to stop feeling and that's to die."

"That seems a bit drastic."

"It is drastic. Perhaps the most drastic thing there is. There are other ways to kill feelings, like drinking a lot or working hard, constantly, pushing those around you as far away as possible until there's no way for you to reach out to them but ultimately, the only way to completely stop feeling, forever, is to die."

"I'm not sure I'm ready for that."

"Good. You'll be a better person for it."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that the most interesting, amazing people I've ever met, the ones who influenced and shaped the universe itself, are the ones that felt too much but lived through it."

"That sounds hard."

"It is. It involves living."

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Correct And Proper Way To Feel

"Is this how I'm supposed to feel now?"

"I don't know, I'll check the manual."


"It says that you're feeling the right way."

"What way is that?"

"It says that there is no right way to feel but, right now, after something like this happens, you do need to feel however you're feeling and that feeling this way, however you're feeling, is healthy."

"That doesn't sound very scientific."

"It has nothing to do with science."

"Does it say anything else?"

"It says you'll break something if you beat yourself up for the way you feel and that you won't be able to feel differently until you've finished feeling this feeling."

"Ok. How long will that take?"

"I don't know. How do you feel?"