Sunday, February 28, 2010

Andy Warhol: I wonder if people are going to remember us?
Edie Sedgwick: What, when we're dead?
Andy Warhol: Yeah.
Edie Sedgwick: Well I think people will talk about how you changed the world.
Andy Warhol: I wonder what they'll say about you... in your obituary. I like that word.
Edie Sedgwick: Nothing nice, I don't think.
Andy Warhol: No no, come on. They'd say, "Edith Minturn Sedgwick: beautiful artist and actress...
Edie Sedgwick: ...and all around loon.
Andy Warhol: ...Remembered for setting the world on fire...
Edie Sedgwick: ...and escaping the clutches of her terrifying family...
Andy Warhol: ...Made friends with eeeeverybody, and anybody...
Edie Sedgwick: ...creating chaos and uproar wherever she went. Divorced as many times as she married, she leaves only good wishes behind.
Edie Sedgwick: That's nice, isn't it?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

You want me to act like we’ve never kissed, you want to forget; pretend we’ve never met , and I’ve tried and I’ve tried, but I haven’t yet… You walk by, and I fall to pieces.
— Patsy Cline
Sometimes when I look at you, I feel I’m gazing at a distant star. It’s dazzling, but the light is from tens of thousands of years ago. Maybe the star doesn’t even exist any more. Yet sometimes that light seems more real to me than anything.
— Haruki Murakami

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

There is a star shining so bright I cannot explain the meaning tonight have you ever thought how bright are the stars? And if I look in your eyes, you are lighting my life... Yes you are. You are lighting my life.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly.
— Rose Franken

Friday, February 19, 2010

you don't take a photograph you make it - Ansel Adams

A man’s kiss is his signature.
— Mae Wes

You and Me


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How did you find me
inside all of this madness?
Did you always know?"
- Daily Haiku on Love by Tyler Knott Gregson

Monday, February 15, 2010


My Bff and I playing around with my bunny mask.
In my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person is still going to think the sun shines out your ass. That’s the kind of person that’s worth sticking with.
— Juno

I do my thing and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I and if by chance we find each other, it’s beautiful.
— Frederick Perls
To live in this world

you must be able
to do three things:
to love what is mortal;
to hold it

against your bones knowing
your own life depends on it;
and, when the time comes to let it go,
to let it go.
— Mary Oliver

Saturday, February 13, 2010